Virtual Study Hub ⛱ Stay Connected | UTAS

What is Virtual Study Hub?

Due to the COVID-19, students are in self-isolation here at UTAS, many find it difficult to get motivated due to the lack of peer study vibe. Virtual Study Hub recreates the library-like study vibe via a simple webcam on your computer or smartphone. You will find yourself joined with other students who are working on the same assignment, unit or just taking a break in the virtual room!

How does it work?

Step 1: Click one of the room links on this page to join the virtual room.
Step 2: Allow the access to your microphone or camera on the popup window.
Step 3: Done! Stay tuned.
(The size of the room limited to 7 participants. You can join the room via video or audio only.)

Privacy & Security

The virtual room is supported by, an end-to-end Encrypted (what's it?) video conference platform. Privacy Policy
Rule No.1: Never give your personal information, such as your password, bank detail in the WorkshopX room.
Rule No.2: Be aware of the information on your screen if you decide to share your screen in the WorkshopX room.

English Speaking Trainer New

(It currenlty only supported on Chrome)
Start speaking, and you will hear if you speak correctly